What we value

Build a better way

Things that are important to us and guide how we work include;

  • Completing projects on or ahead of time;
  • Building relationships / friendships;
  • Completing projects on budget;
  • Exceeding quality expectations;
  • Mitigating project risks (Safety, Design, Value Engineering, etc.);
  • Genuine care and focus on health and safety compliance;
  • Communicating clearly, openly, truthfully and often;
  • Pricing competitively; and
  • Maintaining a professional and committed workforce.

GRID is a 3rd Party ISO Certified and Accredited Company which ensures compliance with not only the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (the Act), but also to ISO :45001 – Safety, ISO:9001 – Quality and ISO:14001 Environmental standardised management system requirements, in the delivery of our projects. We will also comply with any other relevant legislation, applicable Codes of Practice and Australian Standards as far as reasonably practicable.

In application of these commitments GRID will carry out the below implementation measures to further strengthen the systems in place that ensure that EHS is entrenched in our day to day behaviors.

Policy Implementation:

  • Ensuring Environmental Health and Safety management principles are included in all organisational planning activities;
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for Environmental Health and Safety;
  • Build a culture focused on positive Environmental Health and Safety habits;
  • Equip our people with the best information, training, resources and tools to enable them to perform their work safely and proactively drive a culture of safety and wellbeing;
  • Consult with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on Environmental Health and Safety matters;
  • Distribute Environmental Health and Safety information, including this policy, to all employees and relevant stakeholders to increase understanding and communication of our commitments;
  • Carry out 6 monthly external systems audits to ensure that the systems GRID has implemented are functioning appropriately and up to date with legislative amendments;
  • Support the management of injuries and illnesses through early intervention, rehabilitation and return to work programs;
  • Ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organisation; and
  • Actively engage in partnerships with agencies that promote mental health awareness and make available support and training programs;

Certifications and Partnerships




Let’s work together

Please contact us if you are interested in discussing a new project or have an enquiry regarding your current building project.